3 Stage Redevelopment Of Royal Hobart Hospital To Proceed

3 Stage Redevelopment Of Royal Hobart Hospital To Proceed

Tasmania Minister for Health Michael Ferguson

Mental Health Campus For Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)

Victor P Taffa

Hodgman Government is committed to future-proofing the Royal Hobart Hospital and building a better health system for all Tasmanians, Minister for Health Michael Ferguson said.

“That’s why we are looking beyond election cycles and ensuring the RHH Redevelopment includes long-term planning for future needs, as well as immediate solutions.” Minister Ferguson said.

Following Stages 1 and 2, Stage 3 features a future redevelopment of the Repatriation Hospital site as a dedicated sub-acute and mental health campus of the RHH, in line with the recommendations of the Clinical Planning Taskforce.

Hodgman Government has accepted all recommendations made in the Masterplan by the Taskforce, who have provided expert clinical advice on health planning in Tasmania, chaired by Professor Tony Lawler, Tasmania’s Chief Medical Officer.


“By accepting all the recommendations, we are taking immediate action to address current demand pressures, as well as committing to that long-term vision to guide future development at the city site and the repatriation site over the next 30 years.” Minister Ferguson said.

“Our priority is to finish and open K Block this year, open 250 more beds in the South by 2024, and move onto Stage 2 of the Redevelopment. It is estimated the Stage 2 works will cost around $91 Million and funding will be reflected in the 2019-20 Budget.”

Stage 3 provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to work with consumers and staff to plan a ‘best practice’ dedicated mental health facility at the Repat site to be constructed over a 7-year period, including more privacy and outdoor space. The plan is to house a sub-acute multi-disciplinary inpatient and outpatient facility.

It also includes the subsequent staged redevelopment of the RHH City Campus to include three new tower blocks in addition to K Block. These will be L Block, on the corner of Collins and Campbell Streets, an internal M Block with future expansion capacity, and N Block, on the corner of Liverpool and Argyle Streets.

Masterplan is designed to deliver a connected first-class contemporary major hospital, plus on-site parking.

“Health remains the Hodgman Government’s Number 1 priority, which is why we have invested a record $757 Million into health over 6 years to deliver more beds, new infrastructure and additional frontline staff.” Minister Ferguson said.
